Point of Sale Apps 1600 Apps found. category: Point of Sale × version: 14.0 ×

Launch Automatic MRP Orders After Selling Through POS.

Make MRP orders from POS
Altapete Solutions(PVT) LTD.

Create Manufacturing Order from point of sale.

Make Manufacturing Orders From POS
Mohammed Samir

delete pos session cancel point of sales session manage session cancel session delete cancel pos auto cancel pos order with session cancel pos picking with session delete pos order delete cancel point of sales session pos session control manage pos session

Manage Point of Sales Session | Cancel and Delete POS Session

Allows to disable stock of the product in Pos selling time.

Manage Pos Stock By Category

point of sales Margin calculation on POS back end Order based on product and visible on analysis report pos margin on pos invoice margin on point of sale sales margin pos sales margin report pos total margin field pos commission pos margin amount

Margin on POS Screen Display and Analysis in Odoo

Margin calculation on POS Screen and backend Order based on product also shows on analysis report pos margin order margin for pos order Product margin In POS point of sales margin orders POS Orders margin POS Profit Margin pos gross margin

Margin on POS Screen Display and Analysis in Odoo

Pack Product Category Update App, Mass Product Internal Category Update, Bulk Product POS Category Update, Bunch Product Category Update, Product Internal Category Change, Goods Point Of Sale Category Change Odoo

Mass Product Categories Update | Mass POS Categories Update
Softhealer Technologies
Membership Card for Point of Sale

Merge Point Of Sale Orders, Merge Multiple Point Of Sale Orders, Merge, Merge Point Of Sale Order Lines, Point Of Sale Order, Merge Order Lines, Merge Payments, Merge Picking, POS Order, POS Order Line, POS Payment, POS Picking, Multiple POS Orders, Multiple POS Order Lines, Multiple POS Payments, Multiple POS Pickings, Leap4Logic, Leap, Logic

Merge POS Orders
Leap4Logic Solutions Private Limited

Point of sales order merge point of sales merge order on pos order merge point of sales order merge of point of sales order point of sale product merger point of sale order merge orders on pos merger pos merge order on point of sales merge order

Merge POS Orders | POS Order Merger

Make global invoice on point of sale

Mexican POS global invoice

Responsive POS theme, POS Mobile improved UI. For using as a Mobile POS. Collapsible interface. Tablet POS UI.

Mobile UI for POS
StyleCre , Pablo Carrio Garcia

Responsive POS theme, POS Mobile improved UI. For using as a Mobile POS. Collapsible interface. Tablet POS UI. Especial for restaurat and waiters.

Mobile UI for POS restaurant
StyleCre , Pablo Carrio Garcia

Mpesa express support for Point Of Sale

Mpesa Express Payment Services
Wilson Ndirangu

This module allows to add multiple attachments using drag and drop funciton.

Multi Attachments with Drag and drop
Warlock Technologies Pvt Ltd.

Multiple Branches management in Odoo POS This application provide functionality of manage multi branches for Single Company. Multi Branches functionality covered in Point of Sale. Also maintain User and Manager level access rights. Multi Branches on Point of Sale multi company multi branch multi pos multi point of sale multi branch pos multi branch point of sale multi branch pos session multi branch pos user session multi branch stock multi branch invoice multi branch opening balance multi branch group multi branch on orders POS POS coupon POS promotion sale coupon promotion coupon sale product product promotion sales discount product discount sales order discount manufacturing retailer retail store promo code promotion code coupon code customer customer discount Reward shipping free shipping fix price discount percentage discount promotion validity minimum purchase purchase shoppers Free product Free item free coupon code validity POS Promotional programm All in one all in one coupon all in one promo code special offer festival christmas redemption claim expire redeem sale promotion company logo POS reciept POS session POS logo on session POS logo on receipt POS receipt company logo POS receipt company address POS session company logo POS session company address Point of sale company logo point of sale receipt company logo point of sale receipt logo point of sale receipt address point of sale session logo multiple company multiple branch multiple pos multiple point of sale multiple branch pos multiple branch point of sale multiple branch pos session multiple branch pos user session multiple branch stock multiple branch invoice multiple branch opening balance multiple branch group multiple branch on orders multiple pos session multiple pos user session multiple stock multiple invoice multiple opening balance multiple group multiple on orders mrp multi branch manufacturing multi branch mrp multi branch product multi branch operation multi branch production multi branch BOM multi branch bill of material multi branch work orders multi branch MO multi branch manufacturing order multi branch inventory multi branch inventory moves multi branch inventory transfer Quality inspection on incoming product Quality inspection on incoming goods Quality control on incoming product Quality control on warehouse Incoming product quality alert Incoming product quality inspection Purchase product quality inspection Purchase product quality control Incoming product inspection report Incoming product quality report Purchase product quality report Purchase product quality testing Incoming product inspection report in excel Quality Control Quality inspection Product Quality control Product Quality inspection Product quality planning Product quality alert notification Product warehouse quality inspection Manufacturing product quality inspection multiple quality inspections on manufacturing orders Quality inspections on manufacturing Work Orders. Manufacturing product quality control multiple branch inventory transfer

Multi Branches on Point of Sale
Aurayan Consulting Services

Multiple Branches management in Odoo POS

Multi Branches on Point of Sale
Synconics Technologies Pvt. Ltd.

POS Screen layout POS Button Layout POS multi Layout POS Screen multi Layout POS screen and button layout POS Multi Column Option pos multiple layout option pos multi screen layout pos multi button layout pos screen button layout multiple layout on pos

Multi Layout in POS

This app allow you to manage Odoo operations with Multiple Branches/Units setup for Point of Sale App

Multiple Branchs/Units Operations for Point of Sale
Probuse Consulting Service Pvt. Ltd.

Integrate you printers throught the network without IoT Box

Nutikad Network Printer